To change the name, surname, e-mail... you will have to revoke the certificate and request a new one from a Registration Entity idCAT .

According to current regulations, the only data that can be modified is the postal address linked to the certificate . However, in certificates issued from September 13, 2023, this data cannot be modified, since the idCAT application no longer requires it.

To modify the certificate, access from the browser where you have installed the certificate, in the "Certificate management" section, option "Modify the certificate".

If your idCAT certificate was issued before September 13, 2023, you can change the mailing address and secret question/answer.

Modification page of the idCAT Certificate

If your idCAT certificate was issued after September 13, 2023, on this same screen you can only modify the secret question/answer.

If you want to modify other personal data such as name, surname, email... you will have to revoke the certificate and request a new one from a Registration Entity idCAT .

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