The idCAT Certificate is intended for natural persons, see Where to obtain a certificate for legal persons if you need a certificate for associations or companies.

To obtain the idCAT Certificate, according to Law 6/2020, of November 11, and the conditions of use of the service , just:

  • Be over 18 years old (you can apply from the day after you turn 18)
  • Have one of the identification documents indicated in the "identification document models" section (DNI, TIE, Certificate of Registration of Citizens of the European Union or Passport) in a valid state, that is to say that it is not expired
  • Have a personal email address.
  • Validate the identity in person at a Registration Entity idCAT .

Models of identification documents:

To issue the idCAT Certificate, only the documents listed below are accepted:

This image has the high empty attribute; its name is dni.png

The DNI certifies the identity of the holder, as well as the latter's Spanish nationality.

National identity documents from any of the member countries of the Schengen agreement are also accepted. In the case of ID cards from other countries, a photocopy must be provided in addition to the original.

This image has the high empty attribute; its name is tie.png The foreigner's identity card (TIE) is a physical document that certifies the legal residence of a foreigner in Spain.
This image has the high empty attribute; his name is certified.png Certificate of Registration of Citizens of the European Union. Document that accredits the registration of citizens of the Union in the Central Register of Foreigners. This document must always be accompanied by a document with a photograph, ID or Passport
This image has the high empty attribute; its name is passport.png

passport Personal identification document with international validity, which identifies its holder, issued by the authorities of a country.

In the case of proving identity with the passport, a photocopy must be provided in addition to the original.

NOTES on identification documents:

  • To issue the idCAT Certificate, only the identification documents listed in the previous list are accepted.
  • Foreigners can prove their NIE number by providing the following documents:
    • TIE: in addition to the NIE it has a photograph and is therefore used to issue the idCAT with this card. Please note that according to the applicable regulations, the validity of the TIE card is extended until the resolution of the extension request, as long as the renewal has been requested up to 90 days after its expiry and is pending issue the corresponding resolution (Regulation for the development of the Organic Law on the rights and freedoms of foreigners in Spain).
    • Certificate of registration of a citizen of the European Union: it is necessary to provide another official document with a photograph (for example passport or DNI of the country of origin).
  • The administrations have configured their applications to allow electronic processing with the certificates made with NIF and NIE; however, it is not common for them to allow access with certificates issued from a passport or ID card from other countries. The procedures that can be carried out independently of the accrediting document contained in the certificate are those that have nothing to do with public administration, such as, for example, the signing of documents.