The AOC Consortium works continuously to obtain the maximum recognition of its certificates as well as to guarantee their operation with the most used combinations of operating systems and computer programs (Internet browsers, office applications, etc.).

In the same sense, the analysis of the profiles of the users of the certificates of the AOC Consortium has made it possible to identify which of these combinations are most used and to concentrate efforts on maintaining the compatibility of the certificates of the AOC Consortium with them.

The following tables show the different compatibility scenarios of the certificates of the AOC Consortium.


Windows operating systems

Operating System Version idCAT Certificate
Windows 10 and 11

Applications on Windows

application idCAT Certificate
Mozilla Firefox
Adobe Reader DC
Google Chrome

Mac OS compatibility

scenario idCAT Certificate
Mac OS / Mozilla Firefox Certificate installed in the application repository
Mac OS / Adobe Reader Certificate installed in the application repository

Compatibility with LINUX

scenario idCAT Certificate
Linux Ubuntu / Mozilla Firefox Certificate installed in the application repository
Linux Ubuntu / Adobe Reader Certificate installed in the application repository

Note : the combinations that appear in the compatibility table have been checked for 100% functionality. However, there may be other combinations that do not appear in the table because they have not been tested and that do allow the use of the idCAT Certificate.